Sunday, December 28, 2008

CGI and PHP Proxies

Normal HTTP Servers, that is, servers which are used for example for web browsing, can be used to run proxy scripts for different reasons, mainly security and privacy.

The most common scripts run on HTTP servers are CGI and PHP scripts.

CGI scripts retrieve information from the URL which we want to access, either HTTP or FTP, and update any resource or embedded URLs to point back to the server through the script. This way, our personal information is not sent to the server, providing additional security. These scripts allow extended filtering of ads and cookies and can even remove JavaScript and VBScript from the information retrieved, among other protective uses.

PHP scripts are very similar to CGI proxy scripts and can be run on HTTP proxies mainly to bypass proxy restrictions through a web interface. An additional use of PHP proxies, other than those of CGI proxies, is to bypass restricted access to URLs that may be blocked from the proxy itself.

Using Web Proxy Filters !

A web proxy filter is a server or series of servers located between two computers — the computer making the request for a website and the computer that provides the content of the website. These devices monitor the information flowing between the two computers, which are connected to the proxy. The proxy will make and receive requests from either of the computers and will fulfill those requests. The proxy machine provides a separation between the two computers and prevents direct connections between them.

The Benefits of Web Proxy Filters
Web proxy filters are a new service that allows for your web traffic to be monitored and checked for malware. As more and more e-mail viruses utilize the web or components on the web to infect computers, this service is growing in importance and is becoming another tool in the arsenal to protect your data from business continuity interruptions due to malware.

Third-party web proxy filters are generally billed for as a monthly per-user fee. The costs are fairly reasonable at only a few dollars per user per month. Most service providers range between $1 and $5 dollars per user.

How Does a Web Proxy Filter Work?
Web proxy filters are generally purchased from third parties who provide the proxy service. You simply direct all the web traffic to the proxy by entering the proxy server information in the browser of choice. When a user goes to a website, the information requested goes to the provider’s proxy. The proxy receives the request and forwards the request on to the website being requested while substituting its information for the return connection. The website being requested sends back the information requested to the proxy, which checks it for malicious content before sending it on to the requesting user.

This process applies to all Internet requests including downloads and ActiveX controls. The proxy server looks for content that contains harmful code and malware. Since both incoming and outgoing is checked, it also prevents any malware in your offices on your computers from spewing from your network to the Internet. The outbound traffic is redirected to the proxy for filtering, too.

In addition to filtering for malware, many of these services offer the ability for the firm to set acceptable viewing/use standards. You could block political or shopping websites from the list of acceptable sites that a user can visit. When the user attempts to access one of these sites, they will be blocked from doing so and receive a message showing that the filtering service has blocked the site. Each service categorizes website content into various categories and then blocks that content if selected for blocking to prevent employees from accessing the content.

More Benefits of Web Proxy Filters
Beyond the ability to keep malware off production computers, the next most important benefit of using a web proxy filter is the ability to prevent users from going places on the Internet that are contrary to the policies of the organization. These filters prohibit access to all kinds of different categories of content and can be turned on or off as necessary. In addition, using a web proxy filter allows for management to not have to worry about malware content sneaking into computers and prevents the extra expense of having your technical personnel spend time cleaning malware off computers. Removing this threat source helps keep the computers running effectively.

Why is this important for Practicing Accountants?
This tool is an important tool for practicing accountants because of the information and records with which we deal. Malware is an especially troubling threat to accountants because it creates the ability for someone to gain access to our computers and networks without our knowledge and potentially obtain confidential information.

While owners of a public accounting firm are always concerned about these issues (and in some cases, it may keep some awake at night), sometimes our employees do not always think about the impact malware has on our businesses and the clients we service. Employees may be more than happy to click on that clever movie link on YouTube that cousin Betty sent to them at the office. They do not stop and think about the fact that the creator of that content might have embedded malware within the movie file.

It is important for practicing accountants to keep this in mind at all times and to help protect employees from themselves. It is easy to get complacent when nothing bad ever happens at the office and malware never seems to be a factor. However, malware can strike at any time, and it only takes one incident to cause all kinds of problems for an accounting firm. For these reasons, it is important to utilize the tools available to help protect our companies and prevent issues within our offices. This is especially true if we have employees who don’t always think about the impact of opening that YouTube video at the office.

Web proxy filters are a nice addition to the security regimen in an accounting firm. The very reasonable cost makes it a tremendous benefit to operational costs and stability. By using a third-party web proxy service, a firm will enhance its security and reduce the risks associated with malware. It also provides peace of mind for management because it allows for management to protect employees from themselves without being heavy handed. It also reduces the time spent educating employees and/or cleaning up their mess after they do something foolish.

MX Logic has been the industry leader in the development of web proxy filtering. Several organizations I know have utilized this service and found it to be a very beneficial tool in reducing the ability of malware to infiltrate their network and computers. While MX Logic is not the only provider of these services, they are worth investigating as a service provider of web proxy filtering. Other players to consider are Postini, NetCleanse and AppRiver.

Security Update Checklist for Tax Season
Have you done the following in preparation for this tax season?

  • Run Microsoft Update on all your computers and, at a minimum, installed all critical security updates.
  • Updated all accounting applications including your software accounting suite (QuickBooks, Peachtree, etc.) to make sure they are all current.
  • Updated all the drivers for the servers and workstations in your network.
  • Updated your browser software if not using Internet Explorer.
  • Updated your firewall firmware.
  • Updated your antivirus software to the most recent release (engine, platform and definition updates).
  • Updated your antispyware software to the most recent release.
  • Changed your wireless security keys on your wireless devices.
  • Reset user passwords on all your computers that grant access to the network.
  • Updated the firmware on any routers or switches on the network.
  • Obtained updates for Java, QuickTime, RealPlayer and any other software on workstations that utilize content from the Internet.
  • Changed online website passwords that access client confidential information such as payroll information.

Good luck

Web proxy

Web proxy
A proxy that focuses on WWW traffic is called a "web proxy". The most common use of a web proxy is to serve as a web cache. Most proxy programs (e.g. Squid) provide a means to deny access to certain URLs in a blacklist, thus providing content filtering. This is usually used in a corporate environment, though with the increasing use of Linux in small businesses and homes, this function is no longer confined to large corporations. Some web proxies reformat web pages for a specific purpose or audience (e.g., cell phones and PDAs).

AOL dialup customers used to have their requests routed through an extensible proxy that 'thinned' or reduced the detail in JPEG pictures. This sped up performance, but caused trouble, either when more resolution was needed or when the thinning program produced incorrect results. This is why in the early days of the web many web pages would contain a link saying "AOL Users Click Here" to bypass the web proxy and to avoid the bugs in the thinning software.

Content-filtering web proxy
A content-filtering web proxy server provides administrative control over the content that may be relayed through the proxy. It is commonly used in commercial and non-commercial organizations (especially schools) to ensure that Internet usage conforms to acceptable use policy.

Some common methods used for content filtering include: URL or DNS blacklists, URL regex filtering, MIME filtering, or content keyword filtering. Some products have been known to employ content analysis techniques to look for traits commonly used by certain types of content providers.

A content filtering proxy will often support user authentication, to control web access. It also usually produces logs, either to give detailed information about the URLs accessed by specific users, or to monitor bandwidth usage statistics. It may also communicate to daemon based and/or ICAP based antivirus software to provide security against virus and other malware by scanning incoming content in real time before it enters the network.

Saturday, December 27, 2008

How to set up a proxy in your browser


This guide shows you how set up your browser to work with an (anonymous) HTTP proxy server.

The proxy address along with the port number should look like this:

The address is “″. The port is the part behind the colon, “1789″.

Caution: Please do not attempt to use the above example as it is only numbers pulled from the air and not intended to be used).

Please note: Sooner or later your proxy will stop working or it may not work from the start ... even if you properly tested it first. Regardless, when it doesn't work, simply repeat the process with another proxy.

Firefox 2.x and 3.x
Setting up Mozilla Firefox to use a proxy is a simple and straight forward task. It only differs a bit on each operating system.
1. Run Firefox.
2. Click Tools from the menu bar.
3. Click the Options menu item.
4. Now click the Advanced icon at the right side.
5. Click the Network tab.
6. In the Connection field, click Settings
7. Click Manual proxy configuration:
8. Enter your selected proxy it in the correct field. The first field is the address, the second field is the port. If you are using a HTTP proxy then click the box for, "Use this proxy server for all protocols".
9. Click OK.
10. Click Close.
It should not be necessary to restart Firefox.

Internet Explorer 5.x, 6.x, 7.x with a LAN, DSL or Cable connection:
This method will only work when you are not connected over a dial-up modem. If you are using a dial-up modem, look at the instructions below.
1. Open Internet Explorer.
2. Click the Tools item in the menu bar, in Internet Explorer 7 it is a button at the right side.
3. Now click the Internet Options menu item.
4. Click the Connections tab.
5. In the “LAN-Settings” field, click Settings
6. In the Proxy server field, make sure the Use a proxy server for your LAN box is checked.
7. Enter the the proxy’s IP in the Address box, and the Port in the Port box.
8. Click OK.
9. Click OK again.
It should not be necessary to restart Internet Explorer.

Internet Explorer 5.x, 6.x, 7.x with a Dial-up modem:
1. Open Internet Explorer.
2. Click the Tools item in the menu bar, in Internet Explorer 7 it is a button at the right side.
3. Now click the Internet Options menu item.
4. Click the Connections tab.
5. In the “Dial-up and Virtual Private Network
settings” field select the connection which you are using by clicking at it.
6. Now click Settings in the “Dial-up and Virtual Private Network settings” field.
7. In the Proxy server field, make sure the Use a proxy server for this connection box is checked.
8. Enter the the proxy’s IP in the Address box and the Port in the Port box.
9. Click OK.
10. Click OK again.
It should not be necessary to restart Internet Explorer.


Firefox 2.x and 3.x:
1. Click Firefox in the menu bar.
2. Click the Preferences menu item.
3. Now click the Advanced icon at the right side.
4. Click the Network tab.
5. In the Connection field click Settings
6. Click at Manual proxy configuration.
7. Now, according to the proxy type you use, enter it in the correct field. The first field is the address, the second field is the port.
8. Click OK.
9. Click Close.
It should not be necessary to restart Firefox.

If you have cookies left in your browser, sites may identify you by using them. Therefore, if your goal is to be anonymous, then delete all cookies before using an anonymous proxy. You can also be identified as a specific user if you login to your existing accounts with your proxy connection, if you have previously logged in with your (real) IP. As a result, you always sign up for new separate account that you use only with your proxy or proxies.

If anonymity is your goal, never use a proxy without first testing it. Proxies die quickly and/or their status can change momentarily from anonymous one minute to transparent the next.

What is a Proxy Server ?

In computer networks or internet, proxy server is a server (a computer system or an application software) which serves the requests of its clients by forwarding requests to other servers or sites. A client connects to the proxy server, requesting some service, such as a file, connection, web page, or other resource, available from a different server or website.

The proxy server provides the resource by connecting to the specified server and requesting the service on behalf of the client. A proxy server may optionally alter the client's request or the server's response, and sometimes it may serve the request without contacting the specified server. In this case, it would 'cache' the first request to the remote server, so it could save the information for later, and make everything as fast as possible.

A proxy server that passes all requests and commands and replies unchanged is called a gateway or tunneling proxy. A proxy server can be placed in the user's local personal computer or at specific locations between the client and the destination servers or the Internet network.

Friday, December 26, 2008

Why Should You Use Anonymous Proxy Servers?

Any web resource you access can gather personal information about you through your unique IP address – your ID in the Internet. They can monitor your reading interests, spy upon you and, according to some policies of the Internet resources, deny accessing any information you might need.

You might become a target for many marketers and advertising agencies who, having information about your interests and knowing your IP address as well as your e-mail, will be able to send you regularly their spam and junk e-mails.

A web site can automatically exploit security holes in your system using not-very-complex, ready-made, free hacking programs. Some of such programs may just hang your machine, making you reboot it, but other, more powerful ones, can get access to the content of your hard drive or RAM. Everything a web site may need for that is only your IP address and some information about your operating system.

Using an anonymous proxy server you don't give anybody any chance to find out your IP address and any information about you and use them in their own interests.

Why use this website?

Freedom of Browsing - If a site at your school or workplace, such as MySpace, FaceBook, or YouTube, is blocked (meaning you cannot access it), this site will help you bypass that block and freely access any site.

Safety - while you browse the internet normally from your computer, you leave behind traces of your being there, like your IP adress and other valuable information hackers can use to pinpoint your exact location on the globe. This site will prevent this information leakage. While you browse through this site, the information left behind is ours, not yours, so you stay safe.